Resource Guide for Parents2018-09-21T14:38:57-04:00

Resource Guide for Parents

The teenage years are notoriously stressful for both parents and their daughters. Learn how to support, empower, and guide your daughter through these tricky years with expert advice from professionals and real parent’s words of wisdom. Want to get along with her before she heads off to college, or even the halls of high school, this is where you will find tools to communicate and parent effectively.

Recommended Books for Parents

Express Yourself Book for Teen Girls
Princess Recovery

Redefining Girly

Bloom: 50 Things to Say, Think and Do

Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions

Reviving Ophelia

The Whole-Brain Child

No-Drama Discipline

Queen Bees and Wannabes
The Curse of the Good Girl

Masterminds and Wingmen

The Last Boys Picked
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

The Me, Me, Me Epidemic

If I Have to Tell You One More Time

Parenting from the Inside Out

Trauma-Proofing Your Kids

Trauma Through a Child's Eyes
Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control

The Connected Child

The Parent's Guide to Eating Disorders

Surviving an Eating Disorder

Life Without Ed

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