Anyone else feeling a bit off with the darker days

[igp-video src="" poster="" size="large"] Anyone else feeling a bit off with the darker days & colder weather? Tonight @healthyplace & I️ are doing a Facebook live on coping ahead for the change in seasons #mentalhealth questions & holiday stress. Join us 8pm est/5pm pst link in bio & ask your questions live or DM us. [...]

Tonight @healthyplace and I are doing another #mentalhealth Q&A LIVE

[igp-video src="" poster="" size="large"] Tonight @healthyplace and I are doing another #mentalhealth Q&A LIVE on Facebook at 8pm est/5 pat join us! You’ve got questions and we have your answers from challenges with family, friends, work stress, trauma, depression, anxiety, bipolar, therapy, dating the list goes on. Ask yours privately too just DM is link [...]

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