#videooftheday Appreciate and you’ll feel great… okay you’ll feel a

[igp-video src="http://theguidancegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/29703147_193801881232889_5563635283016024064_n.mp4" poster="http://theguidancegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/29717330_157327828277811_2365845373081092096_n.jpg" size="large"] #videooftheday Appreciate and you’ll feel great... okay you’ll feel a bit better... it helps your mood and attitude when you stop and notice your thoughts, if they’re negative begin to focus on what you appreciate right now. Did this exercise with my #dbt group this week and everyone reported feeling a [...]

Yep that’s me getting my jump on in this #instavideo

[igp-video src="http://theguidancegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24997656_1933094043684800_4921834261230649344_n.mp4" poster="http://theguidancegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/24845300_368700376915015_4760570759095517184_n.jpg" size="large"] Yep that’s me getting my jump on in this #instavideo & Self-care tip of the day. The letter of the day is J for “Jump Around” or just move around! A few minutes of intense exercise can dramatically improve your mood and #mentalhealth as well as your immunity. Who isn’t #instahappy [...]

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