Mental Health Awareness Week: Tools and Resources to Help You or a Loved One

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, an important time to share, support and get real about the issues impacting all of us: mental health conditions. Anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and many other mental health conditions don’t just happen to a select few, they impact millions of individuals around the world, not to mention their families and [...]

Don’t Diet: How to Develop a Healthy Relationship with Food and Your Mental Health

Don’t diet, stop counting calories, giving into diet myths and destructive eating patterns that take a toll on your mental health. Everyday, I talk to clients who struggle with unhealthy relationships with their bodies, food and exercise. We can combat diet culture and develop a healthy relationship with food when we get real about how [...]

Speak Up & Shine with Confidence
Do you want to get rid of your insecurities and feel confident in the skin you're in? Who doesn't?! Enter your email now and get a bonus chapter from my book Express Yourself, plus weekly confidence boosters and early access to upcoming projects and events!
Speak Up & Shine with Confidence
Do you want to get rid of your insecurities and feel confident in the skin you're in? Who doesn't?! Enter your email now and get a bonus chapter from my book Express Yourself, plus weekly confidence boosters and early access to upcoming projects and events!
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