Article originally posted on, written by Zak Parker.
Anxiety is that cruel prank your brain pulls on you by making up imaginary threats and problems that might disturb you in the future, even if there’s nothing actually coming to get you. It is different from fear in that it is not a reaction to a real, present danger, but constant worry about a supposed danger you MIGHT face in the future without any real evidence of it.
It causes you to worry, excessively, almost paranoid-like and if you have it, and it has to stop for it is making you waste your energies in useless worrying. Learn to get rid of anxiety with these books.
#7 Express Yourself: a teen girl’s guide to speaking up and being who you are by Emily Roberts, MA, LPC
“Express Yourself” is a great resource targeted towards adolescent females. Packed with helpful tips that will walk you through how to confidently and fearlessly express yourself in any situation, as well as information to help teens become the director of their own lives, understand why assertiveness is sometimes so hard, and why they need to actively seek the respect they deserve.
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