Want to attract the right Valentine? Want to call in the love this Valentine’s day? I asked my good friend and love coach (I’ve worked with her too) Robin Emmerich to help readers attract the love you want this year. Her techniques WORK she’s helped me and I know her tools will help you too!
Some may contemplate why they’ve had “no luck” in finding a suitable Valentine this year. Maybe even years have already passed with still no sight of someone you think is worth investing your heart into. Unfortunately, Valentine’s Day disappointment is still a possibility whether your single or in a committed relationship.
What if it is possible that you are unconsciously seeking characteristics in a potential partner or long-time partner to reveal who you are and what you really want?
To Find The One, You Must be The One
To be happy with your partner, you must be the partner you would be happy with. In fact, the biggest priority is often being neglected, no matter what your relationship status—saying “Happy Valentine’s Day to me.”
Wishing yourself a Happy Valentine’s Day may not be something you’re yearning to post on social media. However, no amount of likes on Instagram or thoughtfully romantic gestures will ever satisfy your thirst for validation. The more you get, the more you crave, and once February 15th rolls around, you’ll feel a sugar crash like no other—and it’ll have nothing to do with the chocolates you ate in one sitting.
Bottom line: You can’t live the fantasy of your love life being validated by others.
Without the validation that comes from yourself first and foremost, no one will ever be able to fill the void you are seeking.
Choose the RIGHT Valentine
Choose to love you first this Valentine’s. Self-love is not only the key to a happy relationship, it’s the key to loving your life. Relationships are a roadmap to get to know and fall in love with you. What are the top 7 traits you want in your partner? Of those 7, which ones do you possess?
Now of the traits that you did not check next to, take another look—these traits are already a part of you or you wouldn’t see them in another.
Did you list healthy and fit in your list of wants in a potential partner yet don’t practice the lifestyle it takes to be healthy and fit? If so, what steps can you configure for a plan to become healthy and fit? Don’t be afraid of baby steps. In fact, this may be best for you. You may start by cutting down on sugar, increasing the time you devote to the gym, or learning healthy versions of the recipes you love to cook.
If having a fulfilling career is on your list of traits you wished your partner possessed, ask yourself how happy you are with your own job or lack thereof. If you aren’t, perhaps this is why your partner was too caught up in work for him or her to give you the romantic Valentine’s Day you’d waited over a month for. Recognizing your own dissatisfaction within your career provides a new-found sense of compassion for your partner when he or she did not live up to your holiday expectations. This year, take your focus off your partner or lack thereof and turn it back to you.
Take action once you’ve come up with your plan and don’t forget to celebrate you (even with just your favorite dark chocolate) along the way, without waiting for a holiday to give you permission. Becoming the person of your dreams will inevitably attract the life of your dreams.
If you’re ready to take your life and relationships to the next level, join me on February 24th for the live, online 8-week Creative Insight Journey: A Transformational Course for Personal Development.
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