A Few of My Favorite Things for Back-to-School 2015

When I was a student, back-to-school shopping was my favorite thing ever. Not necessarily the clothes but the school supplies, the smell of new books and brand new notepads, plus it always felt like a fresh start, it still does. The back-to-school season is in full swing, whether you're a student, parent or adult like me, [...]

Stop Being So Hard on Yourself: It’s Not Helping You, It’s Hurting You

You are too hard on yourself and so am I. Well, I used to be. We are taught to beat ourselves up in the attempt to make us stronger and succeed. But in reality it never works. When you learn to stop being so hard on yourself, you gain confidence and control, and feel happier. [...]

What’s Her Secret? 9 Things A Confident Woman Does Differently

Do you ever wonder what makes some women more confident than others? What are her secrets? A confident woman doesn’t just appear, she works at it and you can too. Easy habits and shifts in mindset make women confident and feeling secure no matter what the world throws at them. We’ve talked to many confident women [...]

3 Habits That Are Harming Your Self-Esteem

Some of your habits may be harming your self-esteem. These conditioned behaviors, from checking Instagram before you brush your teeth in the morning to ignoring another call from your mother, can be harming your self-esteem big time.  When you become aware of these habits you are more likely to change them and your self-esteem will [...]

Join Emily this Tuesday on Relationships 2.0 with Michelle Skeen

Today join two awesome authors, women and communication experts discussing how to be a confident communicator! Don’t miss Emily Roberts speaking this Tuesday with Michelle Skeen, author, psychologist, mom and radio show host.  Emily and Michelle will talk about Emily’s new book Express Yourself and how to communicate effectively in today’s digital world. Join her 3 [...]

Your Child’s Self-Esteem: Don’t Make These Mistakes

Your child’s self-esteem is constantly being shaped by what you say and do—even when you aren’t noticing. Many parents have the best of intentions but make mistakes that can be very damaging to their child’s self-esteem.  In my work with children and adults, I’ve noticed that there are particular things parents can say that can severely [...]

Why Girls Don’t Need Pageants to Feel Confident and Beautiful

When beauty pageants turned into televised events in the 1950s, people recognized these affairs as an opportunity to showcase society’s most physically attractive women. Since then, these pageants have evolved to incorporate their intelligence, talent, personality and their answers from judges’ questions to demonstrate that these women are well-rounded and that they have more depth [...]

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Do you want to get rid of your insecurities and feel confident in the skin you're in? Who doesn't?! Enter your email now and get a bonus chapter from my book Express Yourself, plus weekly confidence boosters and early access to upcoming projects and events!
Speak Up & Shine with Confidence
Do you want to get rid of your insecurities and feel confident in the skin you're in? Who doesn't?! Enter your email now and get a bonus chapter from my book Express Yourself, plus weekly confidence boosters and early access to upcoming projects and events!
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