Can’t Fall Asleep? Lack of Beauty Sleep Is Bad For Your Health

This is your wake-up call—literally. For years, we have known that sleep deprivation is bad for our health, but a new study shows that lack of beauty sleep actually destroys brain cells.  A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that staying awake kills brain cells in mice, and researchers suggest it may do the same [...]

Get Along with Anyone: Tips for Talking With Confidence

You likely have someone in mind right now, someone who makes you feel frustrated or disrespected.  Talking with confidence can be difficult with mean, frustrating, aggressive, manipulative or down right rude people. No matter how you say it, they make you feel bad about yourself, especially in teen girl friendships.  Learning how to feel confident [...]

7 Ways to Improve Your Confidence Instantly

Are you still stuck on the stupid mistake you made yesterday or worried about something that could happen tomorrow? Every moment matters when it comes to feeling good, thinking positively, building your confidence, and believing in yourself. When you let the negative thoughts control you, it shows! Other people pick up on your insecurity and [...]

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Speak Up & Shine with Confidence
Do you want to get rid of your insecurities and feel confident in the skin you're in? Who doesn't?! Enter your email now and get a bonus chapter from my book Express Yourself, plus weekly confidence boosters and early access to upcoming projects and events!
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